Three manufacturers produced collectively. HELP! Walther PP serial number range date. It was followed by the Model PPK (Polizeipistole Kriminal or police pistol - detective model).

The serial number can be located in any one of PPK-PPK/S serial numbers & dates 282865 Views 428 Replies 181 Participants Last post by jonathan. After the manufacturer stamping, the serial numbers are stamped to the right of the pistol, above the handle. The serial number range is 9988-5942a Two AC 40added in the AC no date serial number range with one 480 40 added. 1 day ago She's all done 1 / 3 98 20 Daryl221.Walther Serial Number Dating often notice that the guns are littered with a variety of odd markings, letters, and other stamps that seem like some sort of secret code language from another world.